When you acquire a brand new shared hosting, it is created on a server and the entire process normally takes a while, in addition to the confirmation and processing of the payment, which many companies make personally. When you buy a dedicated server, for instance, the installation takes more time as the unit must be built, set up and tested so as to make sure that it will operate the right way. That's why, a large number of providers have a one-time charge to cover the time and efforts spent on your brand new account. The charge, which sometimes is quite high, is usually not listed on the front page, and you'll find it on the checkout or payment page, so you will not be familiar with it before you've already completed the whole signup process and you may even miss it if you don't pay attention.

Setup Fee in Shared Hosting

When you obtain a shared hosting plan through us, you will never have to pay any installation fees. For that matter, we don't have other concealed fees of any type too. We respect every client and it is our concept that when you get any kind of plan through us, you shouldn't pay anything else than the charge for the web hosting package. You will not discover any sort of obscured charges after or before your order, which shows you that we're a reliable and trustworthy supplier. The cost of every shared web hosting package is the same all around on our website - the main page, the order and payment pages. Because we also provide immediate account activation, you won't have to wait for hours or even days to start building your web site.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers

Our dedicated servers lack any setup or other hidden fees. Throughout your signup process, you will pay just the standard monthly price for the plan that you've chosen. As soon as you place your order, we'll put together and try your new machine, then we'll install all the software that you will need in order to have a completely functional server - OS, hosting Control Panel in case you've chosen one, web server, MySQL, and many more. All these duties are a part of the plan and they come absolutely free of charge, which means that the signup payment and all your future renewal payments will be equivalent. If the server features our in-house built Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you curently have a shared hosting account through us, we can even transfer all of your content on your brand new server for free.