A catch-all email mailbox receives emails sent to invalid email addresses under the exact same domain. For instance, an email message sent to the miswritten suport@domain.com will go to support@domain.com in case the catch-all feature has been activated for the latter. Thus, you can receive messages from colleagues or clients who may have sent a message to your email address with a typo or to an outdated one, which they may still have, but you have already deleted. Only one mailbox per domain can be a catch-all one and email forwarding cannot be set up for such a mailbox. This is due to the fact that at a certain point you may start receiving spam messages in the catch-all mailbox and the forwarding limitation implies that the spam will not be sent to a 3rd-party mailbox.

Catch-all Emails in Shared Hosting

You’ll be able to create a catch-all mailbox without difficulty in case you’ve got a shared hosting account with us. The Email Manager tool in our in-house created Hepsia Control Panel is feature-loaded, yet surprisingly user-friendly, and it will allow you to enable different options, including the catch-all one, with only several clicks. All the email addresses that you’ve got will be enumerated alphabetically in this section and on the right-hand side of each one you will find a small-size "Catch-all" symbol. Clicking it once will enable this option, clicking on it twice will disable it. Since you can have just one such catch-all mailbox per domain name, our system will notify you if you’ve already got a different one with this feature enabled or if you’ve got enabled email forwarding.